Friday, March 20, 2009

Last Few Weeks

Lincoln and Daddy
Well let's see it's been a busy last couple of weeks. I can't believe March is almost coming to a close already. A couple of weeks ago we fell victim to not setting our clocks back and so we were all ready for church and realized we were going to be an hour late as we started to walk out the door. We took advantage of it though and took Lincoln to the snow. HE LOVED IT!!! He still is talking about going to the snow. We went to Pinecrest and it was beautiful. We went sledding, threw snowballs, and chased Lincoln through the snow. We had a great time. I put in a few pictures of our wonderful day.

Mommy and Lincoln- Lincoln is really screaming!

And away he goes!!!
Last weekend Trevor and I got to go away for our anniversary. Hard to believe it's been four years already. We had a great time in Capitola and Santa Cruz. We enjoyed not having to worry about the responsibilities of home. While we were gone Lincoln also decided that he wanted to start going potty on the toliet (for candy of course!!). So we have decided to go with it. He has done really great. We had several days with no accidents, then Thurs. we had a few but for the most part he is doing great. I had said as soon as he made up his mind to go potty on the toilet it would be an easy task.
This weekend we have a birthday party and nursery duty and we are working on finishing the boys' rooms. (Thanks Chad for your help!!)
Then we have my birthday next week and my sister's wedding. I'll post pictures once that is done. Lincoln is going to be so cute in his little tux.
Well until next time I hope you all enjoy the wonderful sunshine that we have been blessed with!


  1. I wish you guys could come here to the snow! We have more than I ever wanted to see in my lifetime.

  2. Can't believe how big Lincoln is getting...and I can't believe how far along you are already!! Tell Kaylee congrats for me and I can't wait to see pictures of her wedding!! Talk to you soon.
