Saturday, January 10, 2009

We made IT!!

Well we made it through our first week back to school and daycare. Lincoln of course did wonderful. He loves his daycare and all his friends there. We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful loving bunch of ladies to take care of him. He did get a new friend at daycare this week. Our friends Ivy and Jon Byron are now taking their little girl, Zoe, to Libby's house. Grandma Lynda said that Lincoln was trying the help Zoe walk this week, but she's just not quite ready. We have such a wonderful helper (although sometimes it makes easy tasks more difficult).

Work this week was good. I am exhausted and went to bed last night at 8:00. My kids were great this week and I enjoyed being back with them. I told them this week that we are expecting a new baby. They were all really excited and all the kids told me that we are having a GIRL. We'll just have to wait and find out (probably the first week of Feb).

The only down side to this week is the news about the budget. Things are looking even worse than expected. Just in our school district we are looking at 1-1.5 million dollars in cuts- mid year. Praise the Lord that our district was very smart during good economic times to put away a large stash of money. Due to this we are not having to look at layoffs for this year, but possibly the next. Luckily I do have 5 years in the district which gives me a little bit of seniority, but it is still scary. You always think of teaching as a stable job, but when it comes down to it nothing is an always guarantee. The other thing is that if the State doesn't get their act together soon and provide a budget and pay our district our checks could be coming as IOU checks later this year. (I don't think the grocery stores/mortgage companies/utitlity bills accept these). So if you are political at all or not... give your state assembly men a call or write a letter and let them know that they are affecting many peoples lives.

Although all of this is scary..especially with another baby on the way, Trevor and I have just looked at each other and said we just need to trust. Trust that God will provide all the we need and be smart with our money now. So if you think about it just pray that our state will come to a budget decision quickly and also that I will be able to keep my job through all of these tough economic times.

On a more upbeat note our son is just the best and brightens our life everyday. He is talking so much (you can understand most of it) and he just loves to play. His favorite thing to do lately is fix things with his tools. Trevor and I say his going to be some kind of contractor or mechanic or something. Tools are his thing as you can see from the picture below. He wanted to play with this toy that has been put away because the batteries are dead and he is a little old for it. Well he found it and when I told him it wasn't working. He ran and got batteries and tools and started trying to fix it. Just gotta love it. Well I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. It's supposed to be sunny here so hopefully we can get outside a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great picture. We miss him, and you guys. We are sad we are not there, but we really needed this weekend of rest.
    I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.
