Thursday, May 7, 2009

Could be Sooner than Later!

Well we went to the doctor on Tuesday and I have already begun dialating. We discussed timing on when Kyson will be joining us here in the world outside of mommy's tummy (I am really getting ready). Dr. B said that on the 21st of May he will do some things to help try to induce natural labor. And if that doesn't work then we can induce the last week of May. WOW!!! It could be as little as 2 weeks away. Man how time flies. We are excited and a little overwhelmed to know shortly we will be taking care of two. Keep us all in your prayers as we prepare for the next adventure in our lives.


  1. Wow...its gone by so fast! We will be thinking of you and I will try and call so we can catch up before Kyson makes his debut!

  2. Yea!!! Another Mansfield cousin! I can't wait to meet Kyson. Although it might be a long time before that happens, even though I am only 3 hours away! LOL! Miss you guys!
