Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wonderful/Crazy Christmas!

Well we hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I can't believe that it is over and 2009 is on it's way in. Our Christmas was wonderful, but didn't go off with out a little bit of craziness. We celebrated with the Ainsworth family on Tuesday. We ate ribs, green bean casserole, twice baked potatoes, cheese bread and much more. We then opened gifts. It was a wonderful time. It's my first time not doing Christmas on Christmas with my family, so that is a little sad. But it was still wonderful. Lincoln got lots of new toys and games. His favorite was his new sand digger that he calls his tractor. On Wed., we made the long trip down to Blythe, CA (about 10 hours). It was a wonderful time with family though. We ate and laughed and played games. We had a great time visiting with family that we don't get to see very often. Lincoln did great on the trip and during our time down there. We headed back on Sat. We stopped for lunch at my dear friend (my college roommate) Heather's house. I got to meet her new baby girl Macyn. She is adorable and motherhood looks so good on Heather. I wish we had more time to visit as we don't get to see each other very often, but we had to get back on the road.

We drove another couple of hours and decided to stop for gas before going over the grapevine. Trevor got out filled up the car and then went to the restroom. Lincoln had just woke up from a nap and so I decided that before we got back on the road I would change his diaper. So I hopped out of the car, shut my door, went to open Linc's door and it was locked. I then ran around the car checking every door (all locked), looked in the window (keys are on the center consul and phones are there too). Trevor comes out of the bathroom and finds me in a panic because my son in locked in the car. We rush into the store to call a tow truck and they said they couldn't be there for an hour. I try Onstar but my account isn't active. Meanwhile, Trevor and the guy from the store are trying anything and everything they can to stick in the window and try to hit the unlock button. I finally get a tow truck to say they'll be there within 30 min. Just after this I notice a tow truck across the street at another gas station. Trevor runs over and asks for help. He comes right over and 30 sec later we are in the car. Lincoln was crying and a little bit upset, but he seems unscathed by the event. Mommy on the other had was a little more scared and upset. But as we said it could have been worse. It could have been 115 degrees on the side of the road. So praise the Lord that Lincoln was safe in the car and all worked out fine. After that 45 minute delay we continued our trek home. It was pretty uneventful, minus the scary suburban that started following us when we pulled off the freeway to use the bathroom. Trevor and I both got a creepy feeling so we didn't stop and go right back on the freeway. They followed us back on the freeway for a little while, but then we lost them. PRAISE THE LORD FOR CREEPY FEELINGS!!!! who knows what could have happened. Well we made it home and Lincoln and I are just hanging out this week. Trying to rest and relax before we have to go back to work. I think today we are going to take down the Christmas decorations and then try to stay up till midnight to ring in the new year! We hope that everyone has a wonderful 2009 and that many blessing are bestowed upon you all. I will post a few pictures of Christmas as soon as I get my act together and put them on the computer.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad everything ended up ok! How scary about the suburban. It sounds like you are having a week like ours. It is so nice to not have to be anywhere, but on the couch in our p.j.'s! It was so fun hanging out with you and playing games, eating and laughing! We will be there in a week. More bathroom stuff. Look forward to seeing you guys again. Happy New Year!! Love, keri
